Saturday 7 January 2012

I am so inspired by Ariel.

Really who is so willing to believe in love and trust in it so much to give up everything. 
To have a chance at love she...
moved out of her comfort zone - in a big way.
She moved out of her community, away from her family, left behind her status (she is King Tritan's daughter) and landed in a foreign place, of foreign customs as a vulnerable stranger - without material security, new to walking on legs and without a voice.
So trusting of her fate she negotiated a trade with the sea witch for three days of living on land with legs instead of fins and without her voice.
At first glance it seems like a disadvantage not to be able to speak, however as blabbers we often overlook the subtle truthful ways of real communication.
Sometimes more can be communicated by less words. 
Sometimes we speak purely to fill an empty space, we speak to fulfil a social obligation, we sometimes use words to make ourselves feel worthy and important as we ohh so knowingly go on and on about what we mistakenly convince ourselves is true.
Often it is just a thoughtless habit as we speak as a way of running from the wave of emotion that rises in us unrelated to the now. Others unintentionally touch on our deep feelings, rather than watch them and acknowledge their presence and their origins we flood the space we share with selfish actions by sharing something that is actually our own business. 
We could just listen. Really listen and be in that loving space purely for the enjoyment and love for another. Lets leave ourselves and that sea of muck out of the interaction.
Ariel did and through trials and tribulations she eventually did share the joy of having her Prince Eric - kiss the girl!'

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