Monday 30 January 2012

Naivety or just wishing for things to be different Pinocchio was easily mislead by others around him.

So easy for this to happen.  Whether it be giving up training to catch up with someone, breaking the diet because a friend has spent long on making something for you or even the reoccurring scenario of self sabotage.
We are having to work harder and harder to avoid being tricked and mislead by advertising that fiercely and unforgiving attacks us on all angles.  From the youngest age, we are targeted and done so in a precise, educated and planned manner.
We think we choose, sometimes we are not choosing.
Solutions? Go with the flow - maybe, if you can't beat 'em join 'em.
 Or take a bit of time to really reflect on our true selves and wishes, wants and desires.  Know where we want to be and with who, have a pre-thought plan and be brave enough to stay the course.

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